" E' un'illusione che le foto
si facciano con la macchina...
si fanno con gli occhi, con il cuore, con la testa."
Henri Cartier-Besson

Spero che le mie siano di vostro gradimento.

giovedì 10 marzo 2011

San Marco a Venezia (2002)

3 commenti:

  1. Ciao Erika! Venize again ... I love it! I visited 3 years ago, but it was too crowded to enter the church. But I got a lot of lovely images from the outside!

    Wish you a great weekend! Irene

  2. Ciao Irene! Yes I must confess that I love very much this town and I visited it many times because it's unique. I'm glad you have been in Venice where, you are right, there are always many foreigners and it's very difficult to visit the famous Church of San Marco.
    Thanks and have a nice weekend you too!

  3. Beautiful, and an intriguing framing of it. That's a place I'd love to visit.

